I think the bounce is over and basically because it did attract enough bulls to fuel next leg down.
Although some little more bounce can come during AH , IMO it is closed deal and the path for tomorrow is down.
SPX bullish percent chart continues to show negative divergences
Ok, I hope you enjoyed shorting the Big names today. They performed as expected and might have initiated an important move as of today.
ES, gave us 10 more points after last post in wich we spotted a partial covering zone.
I still believe the bearish move is alive and kicking but it needs a retracement. Things get complicated since there still is a 1037.25 unfilled gap that claims for a fill during regular hours, otherwise the path should be stright up (bounce).
Expected alternatives are described in the chart but even if a VST bullish move to (say 1067-1074) area comes, it will be only a pullback inside a bearish move.
Lastly it has been entitled as the main cause of stocks markets moves due to the carry tradeutilization. Today showing more strength and on the verge of trend break.
Hey everybody, just a quick note since I have very little time these days to post.
1- Congrats to all traders who catch this first stage of the bearish move
2-Sorry about those who emailed me during the ramp up at the opening saying the market was still uber bullish and we were going to rally to 1011 again.No good news for ya. This time internals were saying all the opposite as I mentioned during WE.
3- Currencies caped at expected levels so far. They foretell the story as I posted after Sunday FX opening.
4- Bearish scenario still intact and developing further
5- message for dip buying aficionados who pretend to be deaf to previous alert signs:
One of our favorite proxy for market (AUDUSD) has just filled its gap and reaching resistance levels. Notice also the rising wedge. Overall a nice bearish setup.
Maybe one of the most bullish FX main pair recently. Now ready for a retracement IMO.
You may recall this old post where we presented the RSI setup. It has worked very nicely ever since.
We have been talking about market internals quite frequently since we believe are a key instrument to define market direction, especially when they present meaningful divergences.They helped us to spot previous bounce.
Some traders are confident about market being still on a range bound that will eventually break to the upside (like many other ranges before during 2009). We believe it will not since internals are weakening more and more this time...
Let's have a look
Summation Index for both NASDAQ and SPX has made a new low and of course presenting a huge divergence.
Bullish percent (PF chart based) ALSO making lower lows
Adv-decline issues also dropping
New highs- New lows also weakening, remember this one?
First of all, thanks Hogs!! They were very helpful. Now we know that many of the signs we were seeing just got confirmed. At this point ES has reached a VST support that may provoke a bounce to 1084 area but IMO is just an opportunity to add to shorts since the most probable direction and potential is down side.
Here are a setofthefewstocksthat are responsibleof a majorityofallNYSEvolume. So we can thinkofthem as marketmoversonmostofthe cases. Justhave a lookatthemandhearwhatthesecharts are saying....
Despiteyesterday's runup. Bearishsetupisstillvalid as well as potentialITtop. Invalidationsignalwould be oneorideallytwodailyclosesabovewhitepricelevel.
GS, one of the best market proxy is facing a double top and important trend line retest. Nice bearish setup
Close up view:
Regardless of its numerous strengths as a company, we cannot overlook some appealing coincidences between AAPL and GS charts. Nobody can foretell what is going to happen with AAPL after earning report. It may rally as GOOG did but so far charts are suggesting a different story