Friday, November 11, 2011

Get ready to take defensive positions


Be nimble AND defensive



  1. Defensive meaning short?

  2. Yeah, Pata, throw us a bone! JK. I am short the Fri close, holding over the weekend. I'm thinking target 1150 at first. GL all.

  3. CO took a high risk trade given the low vol melt up we had on Fri which may extend over MOnday but it is also a potentially high reward trade. I do not hold over WE so I had to cover my Friday shorts for a loss. Steady "bot" buying was there despite lack of bottoming action in cash indices. I agree there was nice bottoming aciton on futes on Thursday overnight but I thought it wouldn't be enough... wrong.
    So back to Andrew, and MLMT question, probably is not time to be net short but I 'd be hedged if not in cash at this point. That is what I meant to say really. Sorry for lack of precissions.
