Monday, November 07, 2011

Too much noise

I covered shorts as of Friday cash close ( I dont hold over WE). And reshorted in AH just to see this "miracle" bounce again. I dont know why they are making every dip so easy to buy but it is unnatural action in my view. I 'd better be flat and wait until  a more natural price action returns.

This holly help for bulls cannot last forever :)


  1. Thanks for update.

    The AH gap is almost filled as I'm writing.

  2. Yep, but I suspect the tiny gap down on SPX and ES that still remained, together with past week action poised market for breakdown.
    First 30 mins were strange tho, not a blow off top nor a brief marginal highs, but someth8ing in btwin ... weird.

  3. Don't mess with the guy who has no job and too much free time. He will hang around Youtube without any search criteria. You will never know which video he is watching next.

    Pata is my kind of trader.
    Fun to watch, honest and true.

  4. Hi UI,
    Thanks for visiting the blog.
    You left a heck of a job for my Decoder uh?. :)
    Seriously, thanks for your kind words.
    I believe tomorrow will be more fun than watching vids.


  5. It's funny watching the dollar drop to new lows on the day and the /ES can't make new highs. I'm sure they'll keep trying. I'll enjoy this when they go away.

    I do hate to sound this way, but when the dollar cycles are almost impossible to recognize or aborted, I don't trade much. In other words, I don't trade on information I don't understand.
